Wakatipu Grill Wine Dinner

30 March 2017 6:30pm - 7 years ago
HL wakatipugrillterrace 2 675x359 FitToBoxSmallDimension Center


Coal Pit winemaker Lynn Horton will share her amazing journey and the story behind this beautiful wine with you. A family-owned winery, Coal Pit is sustainability accredited and only produces small volumes to ensure the highest quality wines.

Indulge in a delicious evening with a wine-matched three course meal designed and cooked by Wakatipu Grill's talented chefs.

Booking is essential - queenstown.info@hilton.com / 03 450 9400 

Event Details

Starts: 30 March 2017 6:30pm - 7 years ago
Venue: Wakatipu Gill, Hilton Queenstown Resort and Spa
Price: $90 pp