Queenstown TV Commercial

Written on 16 years ago


Check out Destination Queenstown's brand new TV ad promoting Queenstown to New Zealanders.

The commercial will begin screening from Sunday, August 23 and will complement the 100% Pure New Zealand Winter Games in promoting Queenstown as a tourism destination.

"Early in the formation of the 100% Pure New Zealand Winter Games I approached DQ and other organisations for the funding we needed to be able to secure global TV coverage of the games," said Mr Klap.

"We needed someone to take the lead and back us and our event. DQ did that by committing $100,000 on the condition we found other organisations to match that figure. We were able to take that commitment and support and turn it into $700,000 through sponsorship from Tourism New Zealand, the Dunedin City Council and others."

As part of the arrangement, DQ has a number of 30 second commercial slots to air on Sky 1 and 3, plus vignettes from Queenstown to broadcast throughout the Games' coverage.

"This meant we had to develop a new television commercial to showcase our stunning destination to New Zealand," said DQ General Manager Marketing Graham Budd. "We used the local expertise of our agency Feast along with Action Productions, which is headed by Emmy Award winning film producer Julian Grimmond to make the commercial. The sound track was provided by local residents Jessie Coutts and Mathurin Molgat and the final result is absolutely fantastic."

Mr Budd said the commercial was designed to highlight Queenstown as a year-round holiday destination to our key domestic markets.

"It's very exciting because now that we have a new commercial we can look for other broadcast opportunities beyond the Games'coverage, as well as distribution via web channels and social network environments.

"The Winter Games is a fantastic opportunity to profile the Queenstown brand. Our aim is to deliver the message that Queenstown offers visitors life enhancing pure inspiration throughout all our seasons."

What do you think of the commercial? Leave a comment below.
