Treble Cone Mini-Mountain Open

Written on 16 years ago


What do you get when you throw a bunch of groms and some of the best Freeride coaches in the business up at Treble Cone?  The mini MOUNTAIN open!

Treble Cone is sponsoring a two day ski and snowboard event on September 19 - 20 for all groms under age 12 looking to break into the competitive skiing and snowboarding scene.  

Day 1, Saturday, September 19th -  The Treble Cone sponsored Freeride Clinic aims to teach all the competitors about mountain safety, skiing and riding competitively, how competitions work and what judges are looking for in a competition run.  This is a great opportunity for all kids to ski and ride ski with Treble Cone’s top Snow Sports Instructors as well as Geoff Small and his team of Coaches.  

“Our goal is to get all of our local kids out on the hill and in a competition where they can express themselves in a unique format.  The clinic aims to teach the youth about safety and how to use the mountain to their advantage,” said Acting Managing Director, Tim Hudson  

Day 2, Sunday, September 20th - mini MOUNTAIN open.  Registration is open until 10AM and the event will start with a riders meeting at 10:30 AM at the top of the course.  Skiers and Riders will be given two runs two express themselves on a specific aspect of the mountain.  They will be judged on creativity, fluidity, difficulty and over-all impression.  

This is a fun event for all skiers and riders under 12 and we encourage everyone to take part in the FREE Clinic on Saturday, September 19th.  Registration for both days is only $20 and competitors as well as parents will be offered 50% off lift tickets.  Please visit to pre-register and for more event details.
