Arrowtown Camp Landscape Plans Available

Written on 16 years ago


The Council is seeking feedback on a landscape and redevelopment plan for the Arrowtown Campground and Reserve, Queenstown Lakes District Council director of parks Paul Wilson said.

“The plan delivers the policy changes identified in the camp strategy adopted by Council in August, including the reorientation of the rugby field and a clear definition between the camp ground and the public reserve,” Mr Wilson said. 

It included provision for a new playground for camp users and Arrowtown residents and proposed a new entrance to the camp from Centennial Avenue.

“The existing access on Suffolk Street is retained and will service the rugby field car park,” he said. 

New camp facilities (showers, kitchens, laundry, common room etc) were proposed with the existing facilities being made available for the use of the Rugby Club in the short term until alternative facilities could be made available.

The plan provides for: 1 lodge (existing), 24 single cabins, 13 double cabins, 6 campervan hardstands, powered caravan sites/large family tent sites and 130 casual tent sites. The existing cabins on the freehold land are retained until 2011 and an additional 30 cabins can be accommodated in the reconfigured site.

Already $400,000 had been budgeted in the current Annual Plan to make a start on the improvements with further funding being proposed for the 2006 - 2009 Council Community Plan.

The plans could be viewed on the Council website or at the Arrowtown Camping Ground, Lakes District Museum and Arrowtown Library.

The Council would extend the consultation period to ten weeks in order to capture the comments of the regular camp users, as well as the local community.

“Having already consulted with key parties I’m really pleased with the way these plans have been received to date,” Mr Wilson said.

Comments on the plan could be sent to: Arrowtown Camp Plan, QLDC, Private Bag 50072, Queenstown or email

Meanwhile the Arrowtown Camping Ground is open for business as usual.

Arrowtown Camp Draft Plan.pdf
